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Birdsville Charter Flights

Birdsville Charter Flights, for the races and year round.

Birdsville Charter Flights

Birdsville Charter Flights are the most time-efficient way of getting to the races.  But Birdsville is an attractive tourist destination year round, and a must to visit on any air safari visiting Queensland.  

The Birdsville Hotel is a famous destination, while the surrounding area provides an amazing back-drop for your outback adventure.

Perhaps the most widely known event in Birdsville is the annual races, held every September (Covid-permitting).  During the Birdsville Races air charter becomes a necessity for those who want to avoid the long drive.  We provide Birdsville charter flights from anywhere in Australia, including Brisbane and Sydney.

During previous years we have been tasked with providing air charter to the races for television personalities and also the Melbourne Cup during it’s tour of outback races!

Get in touch with us to create your own outback adventure with an air charter to Birdsville.


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