Instrument Rating Renewal (Instrument Proficiency Check)
The multi engine instrument rating requires an Instrument Proficiency Check, or IPC, every year to remain valid for us. The IPC involves a ground component, flight under the IFR, and simulator component with a Flight Examiner, during which you need to demonstrate competency on the instrument approaches and knowledge relevant to your instrument rating.
For pilots who are currently flying under the instrument flight rules, the IPC can be conducted without prior additional training. However for pilots who aren’t as current, we recommend some refresher training in either our simulator or the aircraft prior to attempting the instrument proficiency check.
Our team of instrument instructors can conduct refresher training to get you to the standard required for the IPC, through use of the simulator for instrument approach practice, and then one of our aircraft for practicing approaches in flight. We’re fortunate to have a variety of instrument approaches available at nearby airports to allow us to train for any of the approaches you require to refresh.
To discuss your IPC requirements, contact us via the link below.